All the following tapes were provided by the Spiritual Regeneration Movement (You know who you are) with direct permission from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
We dedicate this site in gratitude to the "Spiritual Regeneration Movement" and to it's guiding light, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and to his Guru, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati.
It is free to all human beings. All comments, insights and criticism are welcome.
Jai Guru Dev
The driving force behind this web site is to organize and support the remaining teachers of TM (direct descendants of the Holy Tradition who were made teachers personally by Maharishi), so they can most effectively use the time they have left. We need to work together to ensure the perpetuation of the teaching. Your participation is strongly encouraged, This Wiki site is "open." In Maharishi's own words...
Link to the Spiritual Regeneration Movement
We also support the TM Organization
The "Holy Tradition" on Youtube
Maharishi with the Beatles in India (YouTube)
Page l: Guru Dev
Page ll: Films of Maharishi
Further information on Guru Dev
Interesting tape by Maharishi called "Connection of Individual and Cosmic Consciousness"
Maharishi in a press conference with Buckminster Fuller 1971
For additional videos on Buckminster Fuller go to:
NASA Prodcast "Across the Universe" into the depths of space Feb 4, 2007, (MMY died on Feb, 5, 2007
that's my birthday Feb 5th and maybe why I am spending so much time getting him "on line" for everyone to enjoy, for now and forever more. Please help exand this resource. This is just a gentle beginning. I hope it reaches many, many human beings that are in need of hearing the words on MMY.)
DVD set #1
Tape #1 Maharishi on Yoga
Tape #2 Maharishi on the Intellectual Inquiry into God
Tape #3 Maharishi on "The Self as Infinite"
Tape #4 Inquiry into "God"
DVD set#2
Tape #1 Maharishi "On Love" Humbolt 1970
Tape #2 Guru Dev 1970
Tape #3 Maharishi "On Love" Fugi 1972
Tape #4 "On Love"
Tape #5 Humbolt cont.
DVD Set #3
Tape #1 Guru Dev
Tape #2 "Across the Universe"
Tape #3 Guru Dev
Tape #4 Guru Dev Cont
Tape #5 Guru Dev Cont
DVD Set #4
Tape #1 "The Role of the Heart and the Mind" Part l
Tape #2 "The Role of the Heart and the Mind" Part ll
Tape #3 "Unitiy Consciscousness"
Tape #4 "Unity Conscisousness" Cont
Tape #5 "Unity Conscisousness" Cont
Tape #6 "Unity Conscisouness" Cont
DVD Set #5
Tape #1 "On Cosmic Conscuousness" Part I
Tape #2 "On Cosmis Consciouness" Part II
Tape #3 "On Cosmic Consciounesss" Part III
Tape #4 "On Cosmic Consciousness: Part IV
Tape #5 "On Cosmic Consciousness: Part V
DVD Set #6
Tape #1 "Fullness to Fullness" Part I
Tape #2 "Fullnmess to Fullness" part ll
Tape #3 "Fullnmess to Fullness" part lll
Tape #4 "Fullnmess to Fullness" part lV
Tape #5 "Fullnmess to Fullness" part V
DVD Set #7
Tape #1 "Action from the Unbounded Part l
Tape #2 "Action from the Unbounded Part ll
Tape #3 "Action from the Unbounded Part lll
Tape #4 "TM in the AM and PM" Beach Boys
DVD Set #8
Tape #1 "Real Work"
Tape #2 "The Reason for Meditation: Part I
Tape #3 "Puja with Maharishi"
Tape #4 "Humbolt on "Love" Contl
Tape #5 "Mind and Nature"
Tape #6 "The Inward and outward process of Mediation
Maharishi on YouTube
MMY Third Day Checking Pt 1 - Cosmic Consciousness
> MMY Third Day Checking Pt 2 - Cosmic Consciousness
> MMY on Rounded (extended meditation practice, knowledge day)
> MMY Third Day Checking Pt 3 - Regularity of meditation practice
Comments (6)
Wikstrom said
at 11:35 am on Mar 7, 2009
Albert, thanks for all of your work...
albert L Coles, Jr. said
at 7:57 pm on Apr 6, 2009
You are weclome. It was a Labor of Love. We had video overwrite problem that I am now correcting. Soon all the tapes will be up in their correct places. The Wiki site is open. If you see something that you can improve or you see somethying you need to comment to enrich our understanding, so just want to take an oppising stand (we are all big boys here) please joinius in making this site the best it can be... Al Coles
rakesh said
at 9:50 pm on Aug 28, 2010
Dear Albert, I'm unable to see these files through you tube. Looks like these, for example. DVD Set #1 is unavailable. Is there any way I can see these files. It will be of great help
Rakesh from India
Jamshad Ghanbar said
at 11:21 am on Jun 12, 2009
The work is perfect and wishing to see SCI tapes soon / jai guru dev
fortu said
at 5:35 am on Sep 9, 2009
Good Job, even if the commentary and tags could be better ... nevertheless,
Is there any possibility to get those video in a better quality , possibility to buy those in DVD ?
Thanks to answers :
fortu said
at 11:34 pm on Sep 9, 2009
I'm doing some french-subtitle if you xwant to add them on the video ... just let me know and i'll send them to you
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